How Can We Guard Against Gum Recession?
MANY PEOPLE HAVE the idea that gum recession is only a concern for older people (that’s where…
MANY PEOPLE HAVE the idea that gum recession is only a concern for older people (that’s where…
TIKTOK ISN’T THE best place to go for dental health advice — unless your dentist is active on the app. We’ve…
THERE ARE SO many choices of toothpaste in our grocery stores. With an…
PEOPLE HAVE BEEN getting cavities as long as there have been people, and people before modern dentistry had some strange theories…
MOST MEDICATIONS come with a list of possible side effects, including side effects that impact oral health. These side…
IT’S NOT ACTUALLY true that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile; smiling takes at least ten muscles while frowning…
“SWIMMER’S CALCULUS” SOUNDS more like advanced mathematics than anything to do with teeth, but it’s actually the term for yellow…
WE TEND TO ASSUME that people from earlier eras (especially the pre-industrial ones) must have had terrible dental health, but that’s…
TEETH HAVE MANY different uses, from chewing our food to helping us speak clearly to forming the structure…
THERE WON’T BE a pop-quiz later, but we still want our patients to be familiar with the anatomy of their teeth…